pp108 : Statuses of a Process Instance

Statuses of a Process Instance

This topic describes the various statuses of a process instance.

The Process Engine is responsible for instantiating a process model. During its life cycle, the process instance passes through several statuses.
The following table describes the statuses of an individual process instance.
Table 1. Statuses of a Process Instance




Process instance that is aborted. A process instance can be aborted due to some error, for example, failure to invoke a Web service.


Process instance that completed its cycle. A process instance is successfully completed when it reaches the end of the process.


Process instance that is executed in debug mode through the Process Debugger.

Debug Ready

Process instance that has reached a breakpoint. It can be continued through the Process Debugger or by selecting the Resume option.


Process instance that is currently running. For example, when the process instance is waiting for the response from a Web service activity.


Process instance that is resumed after replacing the sub process.

When an activity in the main process instance is reset, only the activity can be resumed.


Process instance that is restarted after it was aborted. For more information, see Restarting a Process Instance from Graphical Mode.


Process Instance that is executed again after it was suspended. For more information, see Resetting a Process Instance from Graphical Mode.


Process instance that is suspended. Activities in a process instance cannot be executed till the process instance is resumed.


Process instance that is terminated by the process administrator.


Process instance that is waiting for a response from a manual activity or an incoming message.

Related concepts

Process Instance Manager

Related tasks

Modifying Monitoring and Crash Recovery Settings
Viewing Process Instances